金牌会员 第 7 年
名 称:美国布鲁克海文仪器公司上海代表处认 证:工商信息已核实
- 2022-07-25
- 2019-10-23
- 2018-12-26
- 2018-12-26
- 2018-12-26
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
- 2018-11-29
第十八届北京分析测试学术报告会暨展览会(BCEIA2019)于2019年10月23-26日,在北京国家会议中心举行。将继续坚持“分析科学创造未来”的愿景,围绕“生命生活生态——面向绿色未来”的主题组织学术报告会、专题论坛和仪器展。 布鲁克海文有幸为本次盛会助阵,展位号:1208...全文>>
文献名:Photoswitchable Janus glycodendrimer micelles as multivalent inhibitors of LecA and LecB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa 作者:Yingxue Hua, Ghamdan Be...全文>>
文献名:Functionalized Polynorbornenes with Oligoether Units and Luminophoric Iridium(III) Complexes in Side Chains. Synthesis, Photophysical, and Biolog...全文>>
a Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity – Italian National Research Council, Via P. Gobetti, 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy b Institute...全文>>
作者:Peter Nadraha, Miran Gaberščekb, Andrijana Sever Škapina a Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Dimičeva ul. 12, SI-100...全文>>
a Food Science and Technology Programme, c/o Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117543, Singapor...全文>>
作者:Bin Wang,a Margot Jacquet,b Kunzhou Wang,a Kun Xiong,a Minhao Yan,a Jérémie Courtois*a and Guy Royal*ab a State Key Laboratory Cultivatio...全文>>
a Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520-8286, USA b Department of Chemical Engineering, ...全文>>
作者:Thomas M.McCoya, Huw C.W.Parksab, Rico F.Tabora aSchool of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, 3800, Australia bSchool of Chemistry, Cardiff Un...全文>>
作者:An-xun Zhenga, Cheng-bin Gonga, Wei-jing Zhanga, Qian Tanga, Hai-rong Huanga, Cheuk-fai Chowb, Qian Tanga aThe Key Laboratory of Applied Chemistry...全文>>
文献名: Flexible Electrodes for Supercapacitors Based on the Supramolecular Assembly of Biohydrogel and Conducting Polymer 作者:Mari Cruz G. Saborío†‡, ...全文>>
文献名: Effects of sucrose monopalmitate (P90), Tween 80 and modified starch on coffee aroma retention and release in coffee oil-based emulsions 作者: L...全文>>
作者:Jiang Jianga, Yan Jina, Xinyu Liangb, Michael Piatkoc, Shawn Campbellc, Seong Koon Loc, Yuanfa Liua a School of Food Science and Technology, Ji...全文>>
文献名: Ultrasound-assisted leaching of rare earths from the weathered crust elution-deposited ore using magnesium sulfate without ammonia-nitrogen poll...全文>>
文献名:Degradation of atrazine by ZnxCu1−xFe2O4 nanomaterial-catalyzed sulfite under UV–vis light irradiation: Green strategy to generate SO4− 作者:Ying...全文>>
文献名: Lowering Fresh Water Usage in Hydraulic Fracturing by Stabilizing scCO2 Foam with Polyelectrolyte Complex Nanoparticles Prepared in High Salinit...全文>>